An almost wicked wine and local sins

An amusing twist on “We have a pope,” habemus vinum sums up the idea behind Le bedeau. We have wine (and small sharing plates), but we also don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Share delightful dishes and the perfect wine pairings in a cozy, warm and inviting ambiance.

At Le bedeau, enjoyment comes by sampling our (legendary to low-profile) wines sold by the glass in a setting that highlights Quebec’s woodworking and cultural heritage. Take your time to enjoy… eternity if you like!

and the team

Le bedeau is guided by Chef Arnaud Marchand (Chez Boulay, Comptoir Boréal, Les Botanistes), his partner Pierre Gagnon and Sommelier Kim Colonna (Petits creux). To bring Le bedeau to life, Arnaud and Pierre turned an idea into a menu and Kim made sure that everyone’s thirst was quenched.

The verger

Jacks of all trades in the parish, vergers lead processions and organize the items needed for the service. They serve the communion bread, collect tithes and ring the bells. Though the work is demanding, they do it with good cheer. They pour out the wine before mass and, like the mystery of faith, nobody really knows if they taste it first.

It all started
with an old
church pew

After highlighting local boreal products at Chez Boulay and putting vegetables front and centre at Les Botanistes, Chef Arnaud Marchand wanted to teach people about wine in a fun, laid-back way.

By chance, Arnaud came into possession of some old church furnishings, including a few long pews with carved wood. This is where the concept came from. The bedeau, called a verger in English, is the layperson who takes care of all the material tasks in the church, including pouring out the wine before mass. It’s a humble, but absolutely essential, role.

The restaurant’s mission is similar: to make wine, whether local or from elsewhere, less intimidating and more affordable. By serving wine by the glass and creating the best pairings possible, Le bedeau hopes to offer an enthralling experience in a setting that encourages guests to fully indulge their temptations.

A team that’s
on the nose

Apart from Arnaud Marchand, Pierre Gagnon and Sophie Marchand, Le bedeau also arose out of a collaboration with Patrice Auclair (our restaurant manager) and Vincent Garneau (our director of operations and human resources). All these good fellows care deeply about creating an inviting place where wine can work its magic.

Give an original taste experience